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  • "We Relentlessly Pursue your Success"

  • "We deliver results and solutions that work... at fixed fees - so you know the value you are receiving for the investment being made"

  • "We have been there and done it before...."

Terrance Mendez, Business Transformation Officer

My name is Terrance Mendez, founder of Amos Advisory, and over the past 30 years, I've been in many seats — since graduating from Wharton have walked the halls of Arthur Andersen and Deloitte as a consultant and auditor to some of the largest corporations, to a CEO, CFO, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Accounting Officer, Board Advisor and Chief Audit Executive. I’ve worked within the Fortune 500’s to startups creating massive value across multiple industries, including information technology, software-as-a-service, consumer packaged goods, and more.   I am an advisor that has been where you have been and have navigated multi-disciplinary and global challenges.


I started Amos to help companies like yours…and leaders like you…address the moments that matter in your business…with a "think-straight/talk-straight" approach that's laser focused on your desired outcomes… that helps companies make dramatic and transformative leaps forward.

Companies like Take 2 Interactive, Glu Mobile, Snow Joe, Dalwhinnie Farms, Advanced Nutrients, Nature's Medicine and many more — from rescuing a CPG company that was out of cash and in default by creating $150 million in value to restructuring debt agreements, reshaping and augmenting sales, finance, IT and HR functions, implementing cost savings through the use of automation technologies, establishing low cost centers of excellence, and so much more...

What Makes AMOS Different!

The Courage to Lead

"Proven Methodologies that focus your organization on delivering
exceptional results"


"Change is hard, however, failing to change has a profound impact on your business!  Not every business owner has the stomach to implement the tough decisions.   As your CxO, Amos will help you and your employees quickly navigate the change successfully."

 - Terry Mendez.

Business Transformation / Restructuring / Receiverships

Change Management is complex!  It's not enough to be an expert in your field, but you need to have the skill to navigate the psychology & culture of an organization and roadmap a path to a future state that is obtainable.

Fractional CxO 

Its rare to find a team that can make inferences from decades of broad industry expertise to deliver solutions that are differentiated.  Its starts with understanding your business, your desired outcomes, your people, and your competition.

Transaction Advisory 

The ability to differentiate your Company in a differentiated manner that explains why you are an ideal acquisition partner regardless of which side of the table you sit on.  Tell to Win!  Influencing decisions by how you effectively tell your story

Human Resources

The customer of the HR department is your employees.  Let AMOS help elevate your employee experience by helping you to select and implement the right HR systems, augment your HR teams, and  evaluate your employee perceptions.

Technical Accounting

Accounting makes no sense!  Let AMOS help explain to you and your team, in plain English, the requirements and set up the systems necessary to maintain compliance.  

Project Management

What does good look like?  Let AMOS help build the team of internal and external resources that will collaborate to ensure rapid deployment of your strategy to achieve your desired outcomes rapidly.


You hire Amos because of our track-record of never failing!  We will not take your job unless we are confident, we can deliver where most others fail.   We tirelessly work hand in hand with management to strategize, Build the Right Team, Execute Decisions, and Measure Results.

Dalwhinnie Enterprises, Cannabis

Resolved open legal challenges, acquired Shift Genuine Cannabis, raised a 30,000 square foot indoor cultivation, launched an Aspen based dispensary while launching new brands and products capturing market-share and the luxury cannabis market in Aspen while driving up revenue and profits by 84% and 34%, respectively.

Devi Holdings, Consumer Products

A multistate cannabis operator doing business in 8 states, with assets that included over 30 dispensary locations, in-door & greenhouse cultivation, kitchens and concentrate labs, that was unfavorably impacted by a rapid expansion in a period where its base business was underperforming.  Amos was hired by the Board to figure out what was going wrong.  They were running out of cash to fund operations and debt service costs, while simultaneously investing in growth absent the needed competencies and capabilities in nearly all areas of the business, which in turn was allowing competitors to capture their market share. 

Over a two-year period, reshaped the entire business, sold off assets at market premiums, cut 10’s of millions in costs, paid down secured creditors, negotiated terms with vendors and invested in well positioned assets.  As a result, we regained our customers, launching new brands, and establishing new lines of business and generated more than $150M in incremental cash flow.

Hitachi Vantara, Technology Infrastructure

A $5B technology business with operations in over 50 countries.  

Saved nearly $25 million in run-rate spend leveraging internal resources across 13 countries, to capture process efficiencies by implementing a shared service strategy that spanned human resources, information systems. inside sales, accounting and finance deploying over 500 robotic process automation (RPA) bots and migrating work towards low costs centers of excellence stood up in Poland and Malaysia.   We accomplished this all while partnering to implement new GDPR regulations, new lease and software accounting standards, and implement compliance systems.

Advanced Nutrients, Agricultural

A leading fertigation company delivering products to over 111 countries, Amos delivered fraction CxO services with responsibility over Human Resources, Information Technology, and the Finance.  We expanded the sales force, implemented a CRM system, identified millions in tax savings, improved procurement, all while readying the business for an IPO through a SPAC.   



Build the Right Team

Most firms internally hire skilled professionals and presume they have the experience to deliver results for you!  We do not make this mistake.

Transformation and Turn-Arounds require multi-disciplinary skills.   We partner with a network of independent consultants that we vet and ensure they are the right person for the job.  Success relies on the ability to Build the Right Team.  


Understand the business, your people, your vendors, your customers, your competitors and your strategy.  Speak and talk straight on all these matters.  

Make Decisions.  Take Action. Showcase New Capabilities.

Design roadmaps informed by a precise understanding of your capabilities.  Navigate through the changes raising the tide together.  

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate.

Measure Results

No plans are perfect.  You must be able to set measurable goals, measure against those goals, and refine your change management roadmap.  

Transformation needs to be fast to be effective and relevant.   A slow pace just kills any employee enthusiasm.  

With in-depth experience driving change in functions such as public relations, human resources, information technology, finance and accounting.  We will be on this Sprint together.